Friday, December 19, 2008

Last Day at HHS

Well today was my last day at Houston High. And I'm saying bye to people that have been with me for around 3 years, but i cant wait to begin going to my new high school next semester. I believe that when opportunities such as these present themselves, it would be ignorant not to accept this. Im going for something better. I've got people sad to see me go, glad to see me go, and the worst part is, there are more glad to see me go. I've got Christmas Break to get everything together, and get my life in order. And beginning Jan. 5 my schedule looks like this: 
Monday: School 7 am-3 Football 3-5:15
Tuesday: School 8 am-3 Heated Yoga-4:30-6 
Wednesday: Same As Monday
Thursday: Same as Tuesday 
Friday: Same as Monday.
Saturday: 10-12 Morning Workout 4-6 Afternoon Workout. 
Sunday: Rest day 

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